Call for applications National Summer Transportation Institute STEM* Summer Camp The California Department of Transportation is soliciting Statements of Work (SOWs) from accredited colleges & universities to serve as one of four (4) host sites for the 2019 NSTI program. ·Host schools to be reimbursed up to $50,000 in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grant, upon budget approval ·Program to serve 30-50 high school age students and encourage the participation of disadvantaged students Program must end by July 19, 2019 Ten (10) students from the NSTI program at each host site will be competitively selected to attend the National Flight Academy (NFA) in Florida, held from July 21 to July 26, 2019. Apply NOW! NSTI Website * STEM is Science Technology Engineering and Math A host site can only be awarded one grant, either Middle School or High School, if FHWA and Caltrans announce a subsequent 2019 NSTI grant for Middle Schools (NFA not part of any Middle School program).
California Department of Transportation, Office of Business and Economic Opportunity | 1823 14th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820