Employment Dates
2 years (can start as early as July 1, 2020)
Application Due Date
March 31, 2020 (but applications will be accepted until the position is filled).
Post-doctoral Associate
2-year post-doctoral associate position
Job Description
The Data-Driven EnviroLab (www.datadrivenlab.org) headed by Prof. Angel Hsu is seeking a two-year post-doctoral research associate to contribute to a National Science Foundation-funded project that investigates the role of emerging technologies such as distributed ledger systems to climate change tracking and governance. The Data-Driven EnviroLab is an interdisciplinary group of researchers that applies cutting edge data analytics and quantitative approaches to environmental policy questions, from climate change to urbanization and energy. The post-doctoral associate will also have the opportunity to contribute to a range of the group’s other projects, building quantitative data analysis skills and contributing to ongoing real-world policy efforts and projects.
– Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in a relevant field, such as computer science, data science, climate policy or science, quantitative policy analysis, political science, science and technology studies.
– Domain expertise in either emerging technologies like distributed ledger systems (i.e., blockchain), Internet governance, or climate change strongly desired. Candidates who have quantitative data analysis (R, Python) or programming skills also strongly desired.
To apply please send resume with a short letter of interest to angel.hsu(at)yale-nus.edu.sg. For full consideration please apply online at: http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/176393.