The Quantum Ideas Summer School, June 8-12, 2020 in Durham, NC, is open to Undergraduates, Graduate Students and Industry participants. Participant support is funded by the National Science Foundation. Topics covered include: Fundamentals of Quantum Information, Quantum Algorithms, Trapped Ions, Superconductors, Spins in Semiconductors, Quantum Architecture, Quantum Error Correction Confirmed Lecturers: Kenneth Brown, Fernando Calderon-Vargas, […]
Special Events
Join us for the Women in Tech Symposium!
We are excited to invite you to the 4th Annual Women In Tech Symposium: Reimagining Cybersecurity for All! In this event, you will have the opportunity to listen to expert panels and interact with speakers about the different dimensions of cybersecurity. In addition, network with companies like Jumio, Sandia Labs, Crowdstrike, Google, CyberSN, and many more in […]
Oracle Developer Scholars Program
Get your foot in the door with the leaders of the cloud revolution, Oracle Oracle and UNCF are offering 20 scholarships and internships for the summer of 2020. As the world’s #1 developer of enterprise software, Oracle technology empowers nearly half a million businesses to achieve more, faster and with fewer resources. Software engineering interns may […]
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY – SENSOR NETWORKS AND MULTISOURCE ANALYTICS undergraduate research assistantship is available in the Department of Nuclear Engineering to support a project on multisource data analytics for characterization of operations at nuclear facilities. To complement physical sensing of radiation signatures from fissile materials, indirect physical sensing of ambient conditions can be used along with pattern-of-life assessment to inform assessment of proliferation-relevant […]
Medical Device Bootcamp and Clinical Genetics and Bioinformatics Summer Program
Medical Device Bootcamp Site: Description: The Medical Device Development Bootcamp is a four-week experiential learning opportunity for students interested in learning the process for designing and manufacturing medical devices. Participants will learn how to assess user needs and generate ideas for devices that meet those needs. They will then experience the different stages of product […]
IGAPP Grand Challenge 2020
If you have a knack for mobile app development and would like the chance to win $20,000; then SAIC’s IGAPP initiative has an opportunity for you. The Science Applications International Corporation’s Innovative GEOINT Application Provider Program is looking for developers to compete in their 2020 Grand Challenge. The IGAPP Grand Challenge is an annual contest calling for […]
iHackHealth Proposals Released Now!
Proposals for iHackHealth have been released! View and sign up for the proposals ( now at There are 13 proposals with 10 slots each. Signups are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign up for a proposal as an individual or join a team with people you know. On February 7th from 3-5pm, there will be a Kick-Off “UnPitch” event at […]
2020 CSMR REU at Johns Hopkins University
The REU program in Computational Sensing and Medical Robotics(CSMR) is an intensive, ten-week program of laboratory research and instruction, beginning at the end of May and concluding in early August. Projects are available in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science. Students are awarded a $5,000 stipend and are given housing for […]
NSF REU in Nanoscience/Nanoengineerng at Vanderbilt University
We are now accepting applications for the summer 2020 NSF REU program in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering at Vanderbilt University. The application deadline is February 15th. The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. More than 40 faculty participants from the School […]
Scholarship Opportunity for Your Technical Students and Recent Alumni
Lesbians Who Tech & Allies is the largest LGBTQ technology community in the world — committed to visibility, intersectionality, and changing the face of technology. Their team is inviting our technical students to apply for scholarships to attend their upcoming San Francisco Summit on April 23 – 25, 2020. It’s an opportunity to learn about the tech […]