TreeHacks 2020 applications are now open. TreeHacks is Stanford’s annual national 36-hour hackathon and is expected to have hundreds of participants from colleges all over the world and will take place at Stanford from February 14 to February 16, 2020. Please apply before November 25th. Find more information at TreeHacks 2020 You need to enable […]
Special Events
Invitation to Play Festival in Berkeley for the Largest Online Wargaming Event Ever!
You are invited to the SIGNAL play festival to participate in the Largest Online Wargaming Event Ever! The play festival will be on November 12th at 3:00 pm in the NSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230). Bring a laptop to play the online wargame alongside other gamers! We will have pizza! Bring your friends! SIGNAL is a video game focused on […]
Harvard WECode Conference—EARLY REGISTRATION Open Now!
Interested in joining the largest student-run Women in Computer Science conference in the United States? Come attend WECode on March 6-8, 2020 at Harvard University in our effort to cultivate the next generation of technical leaders, foster a community amongst students passionate about tech, and promote female representation in the tech industry! With 700+ attendees […]
Join us at the Tech to Protect Challenge – San Francisco!
The San Francisco location for the Tech to Protect Challenge is one of ten in-person coding contests inviting participants to create technology solutions that will aid emergency responders in serving and protecting communities across the country. This local event is organized by San Francisco State University. Regardless of your area or level of expertise, we invite […]
LBNL GSRA Appointment
Talita Perciano Contact: The Project. This project explores the use of Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) such as Markov Random Fields (MRF) along with deep learning models to tackle image analysis problems at scale. Those two frameworks have been […]
Design Conference
On Wednesday, May 29, Common Sense, along with partners Stanford and the Computer History Museum, will host a conference in Silicon Valley called Designing for Our Future: Solutions for Digital Well-Being to examine the future of kids, tech, and media. We would love to extend this invitation to EECS students, either in person or via […]
Chris Crawford – The Bad Old Days: Computing from 1968 through 1984
Christopher Crawford is a computer game designer and writer. He designed and programmed several important computer games in the 1980s, including Eastern Front (1941) and Balance of Power. Among developers he became known for his passionate advocacy of game design as an art form, founding both The Journal of Computer Game Design and the Computer […]
VHacks 2019 Applications Now Open
VHacks team would like to invite students from University of California, Berkeley to apply early to VHacks 2019. VHacks will take place in Paris, France from August 22-25 and will provide students the opportunity to work on NGO projects during and after the hackathon. Interested students may apply early here. VHacks’ mission is threefold: To […]
DocuSign Momentum Hackathon – $10,000 in Prizes
DocuSign Momentum Hackathon $10,000 in Prizes June 8th – 9th @ Galvanize, SF Want to compete for a $2,500 grand prize and $10,000+ in prizes? Or test drive all new DocuSign eSignature and other APIs? Or compete for a great cause, swag, and cash? Join hundreds of other developers at our Momentum hackathon for: – $10,000+ in […]
SIGNAL Online Game Launch
On behalf of the University of California, Berkeley in cooperation with Sandia National Laboratories and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Project on Nuclear Gaming (PoNG) invites you to the public release of the SIGNAL online game! With sponsorship from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the PoNG team is developing new experimental wargaming methods to study conflict […]